Would you please read the following message and post on the internet and forward to persons you know. Thanks.
Lawrence Hughes
I am selling shares ( Units ) in two lawsuits. It is perfectly legal. The Wrongfull Death Claim is for approximately One Million Dollars. The Class Action Suit is for approximately One Billion Dollars. For one hundred dollars ( $100 ) you are a part Owner / Investor / Partner and take part in the action and you have the two opportunities of becoming a Millionaire. Your chances of winning are greater than winning a lottery. Also, you can experience the satisfaction of helping to put an end to Ban on Blood, being instrumental in saving the lives of thousands of Jehovah Witnesses and in striking a fatal blow to the Watchtower Society.
There are three ways in which you can earn alot of money:
Example Number One:
At present twenty ( 20 ) persons have donated $100 or more. Whoever has donated $100 now owns one unit. If the Defendants decided to now settle out of court, each unit would be worth $50,000. One person has donated $600, so that person could receive about $300,000.
Example Number Two:
The lawsuit goes to Trial. Because there is a team of lawyers willing to work Pro Bono, the legal expenses are low. Let us say as an estimate of $100,000 for expenses. We subtract $100,000 from $1,000,000, which would leave an Award of $900,000. If persons purchased 1000 Units then that would cover the $100,000 legal expenses. Each Unit would be worth about $900. The more Units you purchase, the more chances you have of winning. If most or all the Unit Owners agreed to there being only one winner, then one Unit Owner would win approximately $900,000.
Example Number Three:
Each Unit purchased would also be carried over to the Class Action Law Suit. The Class Action Law Suit, I hope to file in New York City in a few months from now, for a total of approximately One Billion Dollars. This is something I have been planning for four years. As a Unit Owner of the Wrongfull Death Suit, you automatically become a stakeholder in the Class Action Lawsuit at no extra cost. You could win alot of money as an investor in the lawsuit but also as a member of the Class, if you are an JW or xJW you could be awarded damages from the Judge. You do not have to be a former Jehovah Witness to purchase a Unit. Anyone can purchase a Unit and invest in these lawsuits. As an added note: If the Wrongfull Death Suit is won, there would be a very important precedent made that would be very beneficial in the Class Action Suit. That is one of the reasons that I started off with the Wrongfull Death Suit.
Attached is the legal description of the “ Limited Partnership for Lawsuit Funding against the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society”. I have been accused of suing the Watchtower for the money. For me it was never for the money. I want Justice for Bethany and to put a stop to the insanity of the Blood Ban. I do not want my other two daughters to die because of this religion. I do not want this to happen to any other family……..or children.
Solicitation to obtain a limited partnership unit in the
Following this introduction is the wording of the Certificate which has been accepted by the Alberta Registrar of Companies as of March 22, 2006. The Registered Trade Name is “ SAVE THE CHILDREN”, Registration Number TN12313045. The “ Limited Partnership has been created as a legal vehicle for gathering a “war chest” with which to pursue Civil Lawsuits against the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.” All cheques should be made out to “ SAVE THE CHILDREN ”.
This proposal is to those interested in speculating in “non-recourse lawsuit financing”. This is a common method of funding personal injury lawsuits. It’s on the cutting-edge of legal practice in the United States and is beginning to be done more here as Canadians become familiar with the concept.
In exchange for conveying his interest in any and all settlement flowing from his lawsuit, Lawrence Alexander Hughes forfeits any claim to a settlement, turning over all proceeds of the awarded settlement to the Unit Owners ( Investors / Stakeholders / Unit Holders ). Each unit has an upset price of $100 / one hundred dollars as denominated in the notes of the Bank of Canada. If and when a settlement is reached with the Defendants, jointly or severally, each unit holder will participate in the proceeds according to the ratio of the number of units held. If and when the matter goes to trial, then unit holders will participate in the proceeds from what the Court awards, according to the number of units he or she holds. A Unit Holder is NOT liable for costs of the lawsuit. Lawrence Alexander Hughes will accept all responsibility for costs associated with the lawsuit, if it fails.
Every one contemplating becoming a Unit Holder / Owner in the
“ Limited Partnership for Lawsuit Funding against the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society ”, ought to be aware this proposition is speculative because there is risk of losing one’s entire investment if no settlement is ever reached. I invite people to weight that against two factors,
, the potential for significant return on investment,
and second, the entertainment value and satisfaction of being part of a public interest litigation which could put an end to the
“ Ban on Blood Transfusions” and save the lives of your family members,friends and thousands of Jehovah Witnesses and make the Watchtower Society accountable for the damages it has done.
Lawrence Alexander Hughes
In my capacity as the Financial Agent for the General Partner
P.O. Box 20161
Calgary Place, RPO
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 4J2
Revised Statutes of Alberta
Section 51
1. The business name under which the limited partnership is to be conducted :
2. The general nature of the business to be carried on or intended to be carried on :
The general nature of the business is non-recourse lawsuit financing.
3. The full name and address in the Province of the General Partner :
Lawrence Alexander Hughes in his capacity as the Financial Agent
P.O. Box 20161 , Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 4J2 .
4. The term for which the limited partnership is to exist :
The Limited Partnership shall continue from the date the Certificate is filed with the Registrar of Companies until it is dissolved upon the first to occur of the following ;
a) The majority of Unit Owners ask that the Limited Partnership should be dissolved and that there investment be returned to them.
Subject where applicable to compliance with the provisions of the Partnership Act for the renewal thereof, the Partnership shall not dissolve or terminate upon the death, bankruptcy, assignment of property in trust for the benefit of creditors, or adjudication of incompetency or insanity, legal incapacity, withdrawal or attempted withdrawal, of or by any limited partner, or the admission of any additional or substituted limited partners.
5. (a) The aggregate amount of cash contributed by all the Limited Partners at this date is nil.
(b) The nature and fair value of property to be contributed by all the limited partners :
Lawrence Alexander Hughes conveys to the “
his property interest in proceeds from damages and costs flowing from his claim within lawsuits. At the moment of Certification, the fair value of that property is $1.00. Lawrence Alexander Hughes, will supply his intellectual property and apply it so as to bring the claim to a conclusion satisfactory to, on a “best efforts basis“, towards the end of dividing the net resulting proceeds among the Limited Partners in ratio to the units they hold. At the moment of Certification the fair value of this property, ie. the intellectual property which is promised to be supplied by the Financial Agent of the General Partner in the enterprise of the
is nil
6. The aggregate amount of any additional contributions agreed to be made by limited partners and the times at which or events on the happening of which the additional contributions are to be made :
No additional contribution is to be made at this time by the limited partners.
7. The basis on which limited partners are to be entitled to share profits or receive other compensation by way of income on their contributions :
( a ) The share of the profits or other compensation by way of income which the limited partners are entitled to receive by reason of their contribution is to be allocated in accordance with the sharing ratio of the limited partners which means the ratio of the number of units held by all limited partners.
( b ) No interest shall be paid on any capital contributed to the Partnership.
( c ) Upon Certification
Lawrence Alexander Hughes owns NO units out of a total of 1000 units in the Limited Partnership.
8. The times when contributions of limited partners are to be returned :
( a ) At the end of each fiscal year of the Limited Partnership the General Partner will allocate the net income or net loss of the Limited Partnership to persons who are partners at the fiscal year-end of the Limited Partnership in proportion to their sharing ratios. On dissolution of the Limited Partnership, or in the event the General Partner is bankrupt, a receiver will wind up the affairs of the Limited Partnership and distribute the proceeds of the liquidation of the Limited Partnership assets.
9. The right of a limited partner to substitute an assignee as contributor in his place, and the terms and conditions of the substitution and the right to admit additional limited partners :
(a ) A limited partner may assign its interest in the Limited Partnership by delivering to the transfer agent an assignment in a form acceptable to the General Partner together with its unit certificate. To the extent permitted by law and subject to any liability which it may have to the Limited Partnership under any promissory note, on completion of such assignment the Assignor shall be relieved of all liabilities under the Partnership Agreement and the Assignees shall assume such liabilities.
10. The right to admit additional limited partners :
(a ) The partners are authorized to admit additional limited partners to the Limited Partnership. The Limited Partnership will not terminate on the admission of any additional limited partner or the withdrawal of any limited partner.
11. The extent to which one or more of the limited partners has greater rights than the others ;
None of the limited partners have greater rights than the others.
12. The right of a remaining General Partner to continue the business on the bankruptcy, death, retirement, mental incompetence of dissolution of a general partner :
On the bankruptcy, dissolution or winding-up ( except dissolution as a consequence of merger, amalgamation, consolidation or other corporate re-organization ) of the General Partner or the occurrence of an event which would permit a trustee or receiver to acquire control of the affairs of the General Partner during the term of the Partnership Agreement, the limited partners have the right to continue the business of the Limited Partnership upon a resolution of limited partners holding not less than 75% of the Units in the Limited Partnership.
13. The right of a limited partner to demand and receive property other than cash in return for his contribution :
A limited partner has the right to demand from the General Partner the appropriate share of the proceeds of settlement flowing from the claim within the lawsuits if and when those proceeds are made available to the Limited Partnership.
14. The right of the limited partners or any of them to admit an additional general partner to the partnership or to permit or require a general partner to retire from the partnership :
(a ) the limited partners have the right to admit an additional General Partner to the Partnership or to permit or require a General Partner to retire from the Partnership. Such changes require the consent of the General Partner (s).
CERTIFIED to be a true copy this 28 th day of July, 2006 A. D. by the General Partner, namely Lawrence Alexander Hughes as Financial Agent for the
________________________ |
The following is a previous post that should answer many of your questions:
Please post this message on other forums and send it to everyone you know asking them to forward it on to everyone they know. This is of the utmost importance. The lives of thousands of Jehovah Witnesses may depend on “ YOU ” doing this.
Recently, I have filed two Appeals at the Alberta Court of Appeals, which is the highest court in the Province. The only higher court in Canada is the Supreme Court. I have also filed a Notice of Motion at the Surrogate Court asking the court to appoint me the Executor of my dead daughters estate. A team of lawyers are assisting me at no charge because they believe that this is a very important lawsuit that needs to be heard.
Many professionals have said to me that if I win this lawsuit, it would benefit the Health Care Profession, the Legal Profession and it would set valuable precedents that could be used to make it a lot easier to sue the Watchtower Society and other Cults. Some of the best legal minds have also said that with the evidence that I have from my case and the evidence that “ YOU ” provided me over the years, that I can take down the Watchtower Society. What does that mean ? That means an end to the Ban on Blood. That means that your loved ones will not have to die as a Martyr for this Cult. That means that tens of thousands of lives will be saved. That means that the Corporation, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society publishing company will be put out of business.
Wouldn’t you like to see that happen? Wouldn’t you like to know that your son or daughter would receive a blood transfusion when needed and not have to die as a Martyr for this Religion? Wouldn’t you like to see your family and friends set free from a life time of slavery to this Cult?
True……….I cannot do this alone. I need “ YOU ” to help! You have been very helpful in giving me the evidence I need to use in court. You have been very supportive emotionally. But now I need you to support me in another way. I have to pay the Court of Appeals $10,000 for Appeal Books. I have about $5,000 in the bank. I have a team of lawyers working free of charge because they believe I can win this lawsuit and that it is very important to win this lawsuit. If these lawyers believe whole heartedly in this and are willing to work very hard at this and not be payed, then shouldn’t you be willing to help as well?
Even if I were too loose. Think of the media coverage that would be generated from this lawsuit over the next few years. World News coverage on an ongoing basis for several years, exposing the Watchtower Society. I was interviewed on the National News each week for five (5) consequetive weeks last May and June. This story has been in the news on an average of once a month and in the National News on an average of every other month for the past four years. This lawsuit has been mentioned in the World News about five times since last September, covered by Associated Press on a number of occasions, CNN and Forbes Magazine. What is that kind of media coverage worth ???? I have been contacted by hundreds of persons who have left the Watchtower Society because of this media coverage. Persons from all over the world have been following this story.
Please help to put an end to the senseless killing of “ YOUR ” family and friends. Please help put and end to the unbelievable damage that the Watchtower Society is doing to families each day. The next paragraph is about what happened , followed by information on how you can help. It is of utmost importance that you forward this message to everyone you know asking them to forward it as well. Thank you.
Lawrence Hughes
My daughter’s health had improved considerably. The Watchtower Society was concerned that Child Welfare would apply for an Apprehension and Treatment Order and force Bethany to receive blood transfusions. As a result of that, the Watchtower Society convinced my sixteen year old daughter and her mother that Arsenic would cure her desease. Then they arranged to take my daughter and family into hiding. The Watchtower then arranged for a doctor to prescribe Arsenic. The Defendants then fed Bethany the Arsenic. The top three Specialists in the World will testify in court that Arsenic is not treatment fot the desease Bethany had and that the Arsenic killed her and that with conventional treatment, Bethany would have had a 50% chance of surviving her desease.
Bethany had told me that her lawyer, David Gnam from the WTS HQ, promised her that her story would be featured in the "Awake" magazine, if she died refusing a blood transfusion. David Gnam, in violation of a Court Order, took a video of my sick daughter, and circulated the video all across North America to the Watchtower Society Branch Offices and Kingdom Halls. They made my daughter into a Poster Child……..into a Martyr for the Religion. Will you help me to put a stop to this insanity? Will you help me put an end to the Blood Policy? Will you help me pressure the WTS to change its policy and allow Jehovah Witnesses to have blood transfusions? My daughter, Bethany might be alive today if it wasn’t for this blood policy. I have two other daughters in this religion and I do not want them to die because of this religion. I am sure you, too, are very concerned about your family and loved ones who are Jehovah Witnesses. Do not give up hope. As long as there is life, there is hope. Do something “ NOW ” before it is too late ! Two persons from my workplace, an Accountant and a Commisionaire of Oaths have set up a TRUST FUND to cover the legal expenses. I do not have access to this account. Both their signatures are required to make out cheques to cover legal expenses. The donations will be returned to you if I win the lawsuit or if the donations are not needed. Your anonymity will be protected and I will be the only person keeping a record of who donates.
The name of the Trust Fund is “ SAVE THE CHILDREN ”.
The cheques should be made out to: “ SAVE THE CHILDREN ” and mailed to:
C/O Lawrence Hughes
P.O Box 20161
Calgary Place, RPO
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 4J3
My email address is:
[email protected]
For those persons who wish to use PAYPAL, my account is: [email protected]
Many Thanks.
Lawrence Hughes